

From Los Angeles, CA

Take State Highway 14 or I-15 north to U.S. 395, and follow Hwy 395 to Lee Vining (65 miles north of Bishop).

From the San Francisco Bay Area

Go east to State Highway 120, and follow it through Yosemite National Park over Tioga Pass to the junction of Hwy 395 at Lee Vining. (Summer Only)

When Tioga Pass is closed (usually Nov.-May, call 1-800-GAS-ROAD for current conditions), take State Highway 88 over Carson Pass to Minden, NV, then follow Hwy 395 south for about 2 hours to Lee Vining (25 miles south of Bridgeport).

From Sacramento, CA

Take U.S. 50 east to U.S. 395 in Nevada (in summer, 50E to Scenic 89S to 395S), and follow Hwy 395 south to Lee Vining (25 miles south of Bridgeport). There are several shortcuts motivated travelers can find between U.S. 50 and U.S. 395.

From Reno, NV

Take Highway 395 south for about 2-3 hours to Lee Vining (25 miles south of Bridgeport).

From Las Vegas, NV

Take U.S. Highway 95 north to Tonopah, NV, then follow U.S. Highway 6 west to Benton, CA. Take Hwy 120 west from Benton to U.S. Hwy 395, then follow Hwy 395 about 5 miles north to Lee Vining.

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